Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm a grinner!!!

Hey Everyone--here's a shot of J boy grinning. He reeeeaaaalllly loves his crate, in fact it is really hard to get him out of his crate. He hasn't been here long, so I will post more as soon as I get to know him. Sorry for the bad camera work, the first 14 seconds are pretty good. Best if muted ;)


  1. ROFLOL he's adorable!! I love the grinners :-}}

  2. LOL so glad you were able to get that on video.
    I tried to get photos of it but was never fast enough.
    He's such a silly boy

  3. Yeah, it is difficult to get good shots of the grin, they are very quick. I've never had a foster that loves to grin this much. I think he knows his smile is his best feature ;)
